-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 Tue May 12 01:30:07 CEST 2009 For a number of reasons, i've recently set up a new OpenPGP key, and will be transitioning away from my old ones. The old keys will continue to be valid for some time, but i prefer all future correspondence to come to the new one. I would also like this new key to be re-integrated into the web of trust. This message is signed by both old keys and the new one to certify the transition. the old keys was: pub 1024D/6F8C8EE6 2002-11-12 Key fingerprint = 1538 64A1 49F2 2CF6 145D BD4A 1061 04C1 6F8C 8EE6 uid Fredrik Soderblom pub 1024D/1A54C573 2002-10-09 Key fingerprint = A214 573B D098 6028 EE38 E809 C630 3561 1A54 C573 uid Fredrik Soderblom And the new key is: pub 4096R/00ED4F64 2009-05-11 Key fingerprint = 2B6C D380 673F 8BC0 60B4 CC20 7E3B 60FA 00ED 4F64 uid Fredrik Soderblom You can get the new key with: wget -q -O- http://xpd.se/fredrik/fredrik.gpg | gpg --import - Or, to fetch my new key from a public key server, you can simply do: gpg --keyserver the.earth.li --recv-key 00ED4F64 If you already know any of my old keys, you can now verify that the new key is signed by the old one: gpg --check-sigs 00ED4F64 If you don't already know my old key, or you just want to be double extra paranoid, you can check the fingerprint against the one above: gpg --fingerprint 00ED4F64 If you are satisfied that you've got the right key, and the UIDs match what you expect, I'd appreciate it if you would sign my key: gpg --sign-key 00ED4F64 Lastly, if you could upload these signatures, i would appreciate it. You can either send me an e-mail with the new signatures (if you have a functional MTA on your system): gpg --armor --export 00ED4F64 | mail -s 'OpenPGP Signatures' fredrik@xpd.se Or you can just upload the signatures to a public keyserver directly: gpg --keyserver the.earth.li --send-key 00ED4F64 Please let me know if there is any trouble, and sorry for the inconvenience. Regards, /f -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin) iEYEAREIAAYFAkoIuhUACgkQEGEEwW+MjuZXgQCdG6ONw3RemYDyS89tHmZq+R2L AVcAoJxo+V8FG4p9J8y8eVx+eAKnh5UniEYEAREIAAYFAkoIuhUACgkQxjA1YRpU xXNXgQCfXTHbdHzzW3zJOcKN3RnZyTIoQWoAn0e/7RQONGlyw+zpTn8hR0mp38JD iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJKCLoVAAoJEH47YPoA7U9kZvUP/38Fg/u0mydStrPT/34vOk5p x2X1zdX3U0Uv0HMZ0AbnLe6dOISB7Zw8pQktckFAAU46nmfgcSsHqDw4HPE6C9ss xAW1MJzeplkC8CGdHfeXf20uhFZAzOZJ5K4R1701Ea/npYhn1yQr5AX8PWYaclx6 VgLJkKDGlJHM0kHGge7w7IU79V7muC06Rmaj4JXY9iZjejfbn008AISLBLNgVWpK IbPp9GpJJjPkFJ8rjUN/77/Ddi+APTvn6RAbCuj8JWA2fWMky+dd25u3revWHQ1m 2q/nyYVvdB0N6ZeD8tKhgoV3Irbes7QylHgHsijRKEeIz/Gh6H5/warA8lZYnnse wis6Kw3czfbOREuffzMZ1umdbP373p4DSv6uHqQBC+VGCFddrwEn2XaxadvYIuc/ PbmB2OAexyosze5V41QJQzQxst8niAplmkZGoxkSJDIoWTi3XVRfb/Y1uW+bLpF/ h/kmUlqggAVbbqw2qldIIYxILNtlNgGqMsQOC8nSSKQpaG6ugG9t5sgrC2weUG5I Pc1J3tY90rDFRucPsjbtwovxrwsMaHe4724RHZj8iLEjqm1gK91mKMtkw6nb7aOK O22NEf1ZkSYaf1GGdDZAm9HdZdQsfKAE5vOQv/QsJQF7Ly/LLr7q7KtmBPRR3KPE a405i9zdXfqHW6PbGt+k =AhjX -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----